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News March 25, 2025

Tips for handling a toxic employee

Leaders sometimes must navigate challenging relationships with the people they manage. And a troublesome employee can negatively affect the team and decrease morale.

Fast Company shares the following tips for handling a toxic employee.

  1. Check your assumptions. Identifying behaviors that actually are toxic is crucial. Once you label someone as “toxic,” it can affect the way you look at everything they do. For example, if the individual challenges someone because he or she thinks something is important, it may be viewed as toxic, while someone without that label would not be viewed the same way for the same action. Remember, sometimes an employee who seems difficult may have personal issues affecting his or her behavior at work. It is best to start with a one-on-one conversation to discuss the employee’s behavior.
  2. Listen effectively. In your one-on-one with the employee, you want to share your observations and discuss how to proceed in a constructive way. If the employee gets defensive or frustrated, let them know you’re listening and acknowledge their frustration. For example, you could say, “I get the sense this is frustrating for you to talk about.”
  3. Consider the team. It is important to set clear boundaries and expectations for the employee’s behavior moving forward, especially if he or she does not show signs of changing after your initial conversation. If an employee is negatively affecting an entire team or company, you may need to make a tough decision to protect your employees.

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